My fav postpartum and baby books

So you’re prepping for postpartum and life with baby in the great beyond… congrats!

In my view, educating ourselves about postpartum is a MUST, that is often left out of mamas’ birth plans. Do your body and soul a favor by beginning to cultivate an understanding of what is to come. The shifts we go through after birth are RADICAL to say the least, and the more you know in advance, the smoother the transition can be for you and your family.

Below are a few of my favorite books about postpartum and babies. If you don’t want to buy new (used books are so my jam!), your midwife or doula may have these in their lending libraries. You can also find secondhand books at used bookstores and on websites including Amazon. Or buy it yourself and pass on to a mama friend later!

If you’re short on time, you can also find these available in audio format so you can listen while driving in the car, exercising, shopping at the grocery store, or cooking dinner. 

Let’s dive in!



Excellent information about all the healing that takes place during postpartum. Great for everyone to prep and especially for those with any postpartum ailments like pelvic floor issues.

The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
By Ou, Heng, Greeven, Amely, Belger, Marisa

This lovely book shares a Traditional Chinese approach to caring for mamas after birth. Beautifully created, this book itself is medicine (I read it at night by flashlight on the sitz bath during both of my postpartums and it made me cry tears of joy!).

Aviva Romm (who is a M.D., midwife, and herbalist!) rocks and shares straight forward info regarding health, herbs, and lifestyle practices for new moms.


Baby And Beyond

The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care
By Morell, Sally Fallon, Cowan, Thomas S.

Sally Fallon is president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and has a traditional approach to foods and lifestyle. This book provides lots of information about the root causes of common imbalances in babies and young children. While I may not agree 100% with every piece of information, this book is extremely helpful for navigating the inevitable health challenges that arise with your little ones. Also great for learning about introducing solids to baby when the time comes (age 4-6 months). Note— there is a chapter about vaccines and this is a touchy subject these days. If it bugs you, or disinterests you, just skip that chapter!

Mayo Clinic is a trusted source when it comes to reliable medical information that isn’t overly fear mongering. Keep this book on hand for solid info about your growing baby (divided by month) so you can understand what's going on with baby and what's coming up. We liked to keep this one in the car and read about our first baby’s current month or next month during car rides to help us navigate as first time parents.

An interesting look into child rearing in different cultures and the simple wisdom they can offer us westerners that are doing it without a village. Many nuggets of wisdom in there that make things feel simpler!

This light hearted and super enjoyable read shares some tips and tricks from French culture about having and raising babies. It's a fun read!

Next on deck for me is the work of Tami Lynn Kent! #foreverstudent

I hope this list can be helpful for you if you're looking for some resources! High five for taking charge in educating yourself and owning your motherhood experience.

Do you have any favs not on the list? Comment below and let me know!

Psst— looking for my book list for pregnancy and birth? Find it here.

This page contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you choose to purchase a book. It should go without saying, but just in case, I only ever recommend products that I whole heartedly believe in, that I use myself, and that I would recommend to my best friend. I hope these resources are helpful to you!

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