Frequently asked questions
When is the best time to do this program?
I believe the ideal sweet spot for doing your food prep is around the start of the third trimester. But honestly, it’s never too early to start… and it’s never too late! You can always go through the info early on so you’re equipped with knowledge from the start (and you have full access for a year so you can revisit as you please). And if you’re late in the game, that’s fine too. Remember that this program will serve you for years to come!
Someone is organizing a meal train for me. Should I still do this program?
Yes! Meal trains are the shiz and I highly encourage you to accept help when it comes to feeding your family. But don’t let this stop you from taking food prep action now for two reasons. 1) These recipes are designed to be super nourishing so they can fill in the nutritional gaps left behind from meals gifted by others. 2) You’re gonna need all the food you can get! Birth and breastfeeding make you SUPER hungry! I guarantee you will not regret having an abundance of food around. Plus sometimes meal trains only cover dinner and you’ve gotta eat meals earlier in the day too!
Do the recipes follow any particular diet?
No. The recipes do not include any dairy or gluten because these are the two most common food sensitivities (for mamas and babies), although alterations can be made if you’d like to include these ingredients in your cooking. While our recipes don’t fall under any specific diet, if I had to classify them I’d say they most closely relate to Paleo.
I don’t have much room in my freezer. Will this plan work for me?
Yes. You don’t need a ton of room in your freezer to do this— you just need to use it well! The first step we take is cleaning out your freezer. And you’d be surprised how much you can fit in there when you implement proper storing techniques. You can also consider asking a neighbor, family member, or friend to hold meals for you in their freezer until postpartum comes. These recipes will also likely become family favorites that you return to even when you’re not planning to freeze them!
What types of recipes are included?
Our program includes recipes covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, a breastfeeding snack, and two healthy drinks. The emphasis is on warming, easy to digest (and easy to cook!) meals (you’ll learn more about why in our nutrition discussion!).
I’m short on time! How long will it take me to complete this program?
I totally get it— you’re a busy mama! That’s why I designed this program to be straight to the point. You can get through all the material in our learning portal in 2 hours max (plus our video classes which total 3 hours). As for completing your food prep, the time needed will depend on how many meals you’d like to make. You can spend anywhere from one hour to several weeks food prepping. No matter what you’ll be SO happy you prepped some food!
Is this program for “women” only?
This program is useful for any parent expecting a child (or newly parents). The nutrition information will be most useful for anyone growing and birthing a baby and/or intending to breast feed (some info is helpful for formula-fed babies too! Everyone has their own feeding journey and I respect this). Plus everyone can benefit from food prep! I do use the term “mama,” and to me, this term refers to the energy of mothering (which we all posses to some extent) rather than a strict gender identity. When I speak to “mamas,” I am speaking to everyone who is growing and/or raising a baby with love.
Is this program worth the investment?
Oh my goodness, YES! As many parents can confirm, if you don’t have meals prepared ahead of time it is pretty much a guarantee that you will be relying on take-out food during the fourth trimester (lovingly gifted meals from friends will run out at some point too). And while ordering delivery now and then is a saving grace… it’s expensive and seriously adds up quick! Having a system in place that helps you prepare healthy meals ahead of time will seriously pay off. I’ve interviewed multiple mamas about this topic and many have said that they literally spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars on take-out during the fourth trimester. When you take that into consideration… it would actually cost you money to not create a food plan! Plus this is a strategy that you can continue to implement for many years to come.
Still got a question? Contact me here.