Postpartum Supplement Recommendations

I was recently asked if I had any supplement recommendations for postpartum mamas.

I certainly do!


While nothing can or should take the place of wholesome meals during postpartum, there are definitely some supplements that can help ensure you're getting in adequate nutrients to support your recovery from pregnancy and birth, AND help support baby through nutritious breastfeeding.

So what are they?

Here are my top recommendations and what I personally plan to have on hand during my upcoming fourth trimester and beyond.


1) Prenatal Vitamin

It’s generally advised that mamas continue to take their prenatal vitamin for at least six months postpartum. This is because mamas really need to replete vital nutrients lost from nine months of pregnancy and birth, and this takes some time. It’s also recommended to continue your prenatal for at least six months because this is how long many mothers are exclusively breastfeeding for— meaning many babies will begin to eat solids around this point in time so that begins to lessen the substantial nutrient demand on mama. But in truth you will remain the main source of nourishment for your baby, if breastfeeding, for many months to come. Can you take a postnatal vitamin instead?— Sure! Truthfully I think the whole “postnatal vitamin” label is mostly for marketing, but if you find an option you really like or that your doctor or midwife recommends then definitely go for it. Personally I didn’t come across an option that felt better than the prenatal I was taking, so I chose to just continue with my same prenatal.

Curious what prenatal vitamin I recommend? My top choice is FullWell Women’s Prenatal. It’s a clean product that actually contains optimal amounts of proper absorbable nutrients, and has third party lab testing. I believe in it so much that after I was a customer myself, I also became an affiliate! Use this link for 20% off your first order.. My next favorite comparable choice that I used in my previous pregnancy and really enjoyed is Seeking Health’s Optimal Prenatal.


2) Omega 3 (Specifically DHA)

DHA, an omega-3 fat, is critical for brain development so this one is especially important for all breastfeeding mamas. Rat studies show that mother rats’ brains get depleted from breastfeeding (losing things like DHA!) and human studies show that the amount of DHA contained in breastmilk samples can very GREATLY. So we know that making an effort to consume this nutrient can have major pay outs for both mother and baby. The most important times to take this supplement are during the third and fourth trimesters when baby’s brain is growing rapidly and they are depending on you for all of their DHA needs. Look for a high quality fish oil supplement (preferably something that is purified and lab tested). Plant based mamas, look for an algae based DHA supplement.

Some of my favorite options are FullWell Women’s Fish Oil (20% off with link), Needed Prenatal Omega 3, as well as Nordic Naturals, which you can find at many health food stores.

I’m also a fan of cod liver oil, which not only contains healthy omega 3s (including DHA), but it also has natural vitamin A and D. This one is great for mamas and littles! I like the brand Rositas, which is cold pressed and has liquid and capsule options.


3) Probiotic

Probiotics help build and strengthen our gut (and vaginal) floras, which supports our overall health, vitality, and especially our immune systems. This is critical for us recovering mamas, and it’s great for helping to build up baby’s system too for lifelong health! You may have heard the phrase “all disease begins in the gut.” It’s that important. There are some amazing studies out there showing incredible long term benefits for babies whose mamas supplement with daily probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Choose a capsule that likely comes from the refrigerated section of your local health food store in addition to eating fermented, unpasteurized food. I also like Needed’s Prenatal Pre/Probiotic, which is shelf-stable and great for postpartum (use code “wildflower” for 20% off your entire order!).


4) Iron

Iron is best obtained from food as iron supplements are notorious for not getting properly absorbed and causing constipation, however if you get tested and your iron levels are low (or if you don’t get tested and you suspect they are, and/or you eat a plant based diet), I’d recommend supplementing with iron in addition to making an effort to eat iron-rich foods. Ideally choose a liquid supplement option as this tends to be the most easily absorbable. I like the brand Floradix as well as FullWell Iron Bump.


5) Magnesium

Our bodies use more magnesium when we’re under stress, and the fourth trimester can certainly be perceived as a biologically stressful time. Consider taking a magnesium supplement (like a powder) before bed to replete your stores and help with relaxation. Try Needed’s Sleep + Relaxation Support, (again, use code “wildflower” for 20% off!) which includes magnesium and other nutrients to support a restful postpartum recovery.


6) Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for babies and breastmilk has been declared “vitamin D deficient.” Sounds kinda crazy, but this is because most people (in the US at least) are vitamin D deficient so it makes sense that our breastmilk would be deficient too. Pediatricians recommend supplementing babies with 400 IU vitamin D per day (this can be done through formula or with drops that you put directly on your nipple before breastfeeding). However, newer studies show that if mama gets ample vitamin D in her diet, she can have enough to meet her own AND baby’s needs through breastfeeding too. The amount needed to do this is 6400 IU per day. Check your prenatal vitamin and you will likely want to take an extra vitamin D3 supplement to meet your needs.

7) Electrolytes Or Mineral Supplement

Minerals are so important for everyone, especially breastfeeding mamas. We excrete electrolytes through our breastmilk (cool, huh!?) and it’s very easy to get dehydrated when you’re breastfeeding full time. Stay nourished by adding mineral drops to your water (I like ConcenTrace from the brand Trace Minerals) or try an electrolyte powder. I like and recommend LMNT because it’s well formulated, tastes delicious, and has no sugar or artificial ingredients. Use this link and get a free 12ct variety pack with your first purchase. Consider keeping this in your breastfeeding basket!


7) Postpartum Herbal Tea

Many of the same herbs that are wonderfully nourishing during pregnancy are excellent allies during postpartum! As an herbalist, I use my special Pregnancy + Postpartum formula with organic red raspberry leaf, stinging nettle, oatstraw, and rose hips. This vitamin and mineral rich tonic supports nutritious breastfeeding and postpartum recovery. I plan to continue drinking a cup every day during the fourth trimester and beyond. Plus a warm cup of tea is nourishing to the heart and soul!


I hope these recommendations can be helpful for you, mama! Remember to eat plenty of healthy foods, drink TONS of water, and supplement as needed! You got this!

Looking for more Herbal postpartum Products?

I’m a proud affiliate of WishGarden Herbs because I love their products and use them regularly for my entire family. I found their pregnancy and postpartum lines to be particularly helpful on my mothering journey! Find their postpartum essentials and more here.

This page contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission on purchases. It should go without saying, but I only recommend products that I use myself, that I absolutely love, and that I would recommend to my own mama and my closest friends.