7 Healthy Drink Ideas for Pregnancy + Postpartum

Hey mama! I probably don’t need to tell you that pregnant ladies need a lot of hydration. Aiming for 100oz or 8-12 glasses of water a day is great (no wonder we have to pee all the time!). And can you believe it— if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need even more hydration than that! Some experts say 120oz of water a day. A good rule of thumb is to drink a full glass of water every time you feed your baby.

With these high liquid intake goals, sometimes a girl needs some drink ideas other than water to keep things interesting. Today I’ve got seven healthy drinks that are safe for pregnancy and postpartum that will help you reach your hydration goals while getting some extra health perks along the way.

But first… pasteurization during pregnancy

Before we dive in to our list, let’s have a quick word on pasteurization. Many health professionals recommend avoiding unpasteurized food and drinks during pregnancy due to the possible risk of bacterial contamination. Pasteurization is a process that heats up food to kill off any potential bacteria and generally help extend its shelf life. While this can have its benefits, generally speaking, from a holistic health perspective, this process can also damage food and kill off beneficial microbes as well. Our bodies need all those good bugs and delicate nutrients that get damaged from heating. And frankly, the likelihood that a food or drink is going to be contaminated with a truly dangerous pathogen is quite slim.

Having said that, please talk with your healthcare provider about this and use discretion when making food choices. As someone who has studied this stuff and read the statistics, I personally feel comfortable choosing unpasteurized options most of the time, however there’s nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution! Whether you’re choosing pasteurization or going full raw (or landing somewhere in between), the important thing is that you feel comfortable with your decisions and choose the freshest options whenever possible.

It’s also worth noting that organic (grass-fed, free-range when applicable), and locally sourced options tend to have the highest nutritional integrity, so look for these options when you can.

And second… fourth trimester drinks

It’s also worth noting that I’m talking about “postpartum” at large here, not the fourth trimester specifically. This is actually really important when it comes to drinks in particular because during the fourth trimester (those first 6-12 weeks after birth), mamas can do well by choosing warm foods and drinks. Yes, I’m suggesting you avoid cold drinks during this time, or at least for the first six weeks. Why? Because our digestive fire is weak after birth and it’s critical for our short and long term health to stoke that fire and do everything we can to support digestion. Consuming warming drinks does just this, whereas cold bevies slow down our digestion.

SO, during the immediate weeks after birth I recommend consuming hot herbal teas (like red raspberry leaf, nettle, and rose), room temperature water, and of course, lots of warm broth. And hey, if you wanna enjoy some coconut water here and there (so deliciously hydrating for breastfeeding mamas), you go Glen Coco! Just listen to your body. Maybe you can enjoy it room temp or slightly chilled instead of straight from the fridge.

And after those first few weeks, feel free to branch out and enjoy all the goodies on this list!

Now, let’s dive in!

1) Coconut water

Coconut water is an awesome choice for pregnancy, labor, and postpartum because it contains important electrolytes. Electrolytes aid in our hydration and also get secreted through breastmilk so it’s def important to get those in. Coconut water also has a pleasant sweet taste that can feel like a treat. Look for an option that doesn’t contain any added sugar, because it tastes stellar as it is! If you want to drink it early postpartum, try it room temp. My favorite brand is Harmless Harvest. Even Costco has an organic coconut water now!

2) Herbal teas

Of course, we need to take care with herbs during pregnancy and breastfeeding so do your research or talk to a qualified practitioner first, but herbal teas can be enjoyable and very medicinal. A few easy options that are clinically proven as safe for general use are ginger, chamomile, and red raspberry leaf. If you want to learn more about teas for pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can check out my downloadable herb guide here.

3) Sparkling water

No quicker way to feel fancy than with a little bubbly! Whether you drink it as is or add in some flavoring (think fresh squeezed lemon, or a splash of juice), sparkling water is a great hydrating option. Bonus points if you get an option that’s naturally carbonated.

4) Bone broth

The ultimate healing food during postpartum, and beneficial beforehand too! Most notably, bone broth contains glycine, which is essential for wound repair and the healing of connective tissues. The uterus in particular needs crazy high amounts of glycine. While our bodies do create collagen (which contains glycine), consuming it from a source like bone broth helps expedite things. In fact, glycine is considered a “conditionally essential” nutrient during this time— meaning out bodies need so much of it during this stage of life that it must be consumed from food sources. Additionally, it’s thought that this nutrient can help prevent stretch marks, so if there was ever a time to try it out, this is it! Make your own bone broth in the crockpot or on the stovetop using scraps from your next chicken or bone-in steak dinner. This is the very first recipe I teach in my Postpartum Food Prep program because it’s that healing.

5) Infused water

Aka “spa water,” is so simple and inexpensive! Take your purified water and add a squeeze of lemon, sliced fruit (like berries or orange), sliced cucumber, fresh basil, rosemary, or mint leaves (fyi, consuming copious amount of mint while breastfeeding can dry up your milk supply, but a bit here and there is no problem whatsoever).

6) Kefir

Whether it be dairy, goat, sheep, coconut, or even water kefir, this drink contains beneficial microbes that support a healthy gut and vaginal flora. Studies show immense benefits for baby when mama takes probiotic supplements during pregnancy and postpartum, and I like eating probiotic-rich foods (like kefir) because, hey, you gotta eat anyways! Choosing these foods acts as two birds, one stone (with one purchase!).

7) Green juice

A fresh, organic veggie juice is brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are so healthy and easily absorbable. Look for an option that is entirely comprised of veggies (no fruit) to help minimize a spike in blood sugar. Remember, if you’re choosing an unpasteurized option, the best way to minimize any risk is to choose a freshly pressed juice from a restaurant or store you trust. This will also have the highest nutritional payoff and likely the best taste! Cheers!

Enjoy these delicious drinks, mama!

Do you have any other favorites not on our list? Share in a comment below!

Want to learn more about herbs for pregnancy and postpartum? Download my free Herb Guide for Pregnancy and Postpartum!

Want some help staying on top of your self-care game? Download my free printable Daily Checklists for a Healthy Pregnancy!

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