How to upgrade pregnancy cravings

The list of weird pregnancy craving foods is long and kinda fun… but not always so fun when you’re in the midst of it and also want to eat healthy!

Sometimes it feels like our culture expects, almost encourages mamas to over indulge in treats and junk food during pregnancy. I know I justified my over indulgences by thinking, “hey, it’s making up for the alcohol I’m not drinking! I’m going through a lot right now, it’s okay to treat myself during this once in a lifetime event!”

While enjoying some treats is totally fine, we want to make sure as pregnant mamas we’re including LOTS of healthy foods too. Real, whole foods are the building blocks of a healthy baby.

And, of course, it’s not just about wild cravings, but sometimes we’ve got morning sickness and food aversions to navigate through too.

So we really want to refine our skills of optimizing the foods we do eat.

We wanna practice the art of the food craving upgrade.

So let’s do it. Here are four ways you can upgrade a food craving aka add to it or adjust how you eat it to make it way healthier!

1) Add some protein

A lot of pregnancy cravings are carbohydrate heavy. This tends to be especially true during the first trimester when we can feel sort of “meh” about food, and sometimes it can last the entire duration of pregnancy. Pasta, bread, bagels (that’s my go-to!), crackers, chocolate, etc. These foods (as well as most junk food and sweets like cookies, chips, cakes, baked flour products, etc.) are lacking protein, which our bodies need for a healthy pregnancy, and simply to feel well and feel satiated from our food.

See how you can sneak some protein in with your food craving. Animal-based proteins are especially great, but plant-based is fine too and can sometimes compliment a food craving best.

Examples: Add an egg alongside a bagel or doughnut. Include nuts on top of ice cream. Sprinkle some nutritional yeast on top of popcorn. Have a handful of beef jerky with chips (that are preferably oven baked with a healthy oil!). Stir some collagen protein powder into hot chocolate.

2) Add some healthy fat

Those heavy carbohydrate foods mentioned above can also be lacking in fats. Our babies need us to consume lots of healthy fats for their brain development. And we need them too! When I say healthy fat, I mean a high quality, natural fat like pastured butter, ghee, tallow, virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc. Organic is best, especially when it comes to fats. Please AVOID industrial seed oils like the plague (these include soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, etc.), as these are highly inflammatory and can disrupt our health. Focus on including healthy fats with each meal and snack to feel fuller longer, especially if your food craving is one of those carbohydrate heavy foods.

Examples: Spread some grass-fed butter on top of that sourdough bread! Eat your banana or apple with nut butter or coconut mana. Use full fat coconut milk in smoothies. Add olive oil and/or high quality cheese to pasta (if you tolerate dairy well). Scoop some hummus or pesto with your crackers.

3) Add some fiber

Fiber is important for our digestive health, as well as helping to curb blood sugar spikes (something to avoid whether you have gestational diabetes or not) that can result from those common food cravings. A simple way to do this is to include a fruit, vegetable, or legume with your food craving. When needed, we can also add fiber to a drink by stirring in something like psyllium husk (a natural fiber supplement).

Examples: Sprinkle chia seeds (relatively high in fiber) on ice cream and/or top with some sliced berries. Eat a doughnut alongside a half banana. Add a handful of diced veggies to your cheesy egg scramble, pasta, or even pizza. If nothing else, try to eat a half a piece of fruit with your food.

4) Add greens

Dark green leafy vegetables are high in micronutrients that we need to consume in increasing amounts during pregnancy. Greens are also convenient because they don’t have to be cooked and are easy to add to meals. Try using sprouts or a handful of micro greens for a light way to boost the nutrient status of your food craving.

Examples: Add a handful of sprouts on top of toast. Top your pizza with some chopped spinach or kale. Stir some wilted spinach into Mac n Cheese. Wrap fried foods in an extra layer of lettuce around the outside (like egg rolls or even fried chicken)— this will make your stomach feel better too when you do indulge in these type of foods.

Now, let’s put it all together!

So, let’s say you get a strong craving for a doughnut and you decide to indulge. Can you make the choice to eat your doughnut with one scrambled egg and a few berries? Still delicious, and the added protein and fiber will keep your blood sugar from spiking (at least not as much) and your digestion and energy levels will stay so much smoother.

If you are dying for some sourdough bread, can you enjoy it toasted with some high quality cheese and a handful of sprouts?

If you need some ice cream in your life, instead of eating it straight out of the carton (I know I can destroy a pint of Ben and Jerrys pretty quick that way!), can you make a healthier split by scooping it into a bowl with some fruit and nuts?

Balancing out our food cravings in these ways really can make a difference in our health and feels good because we know we’re taking steps to take care of ourselves and our babies! It’s okay to indulge now and then, but keep taking consistent steps to add in those healthy foods everywhere you can.

No guilt and no perfection. Just progress!

Let me know in the comments below if you have a favorite way to make a food craving healthier. :)